Slow fashion refers to the production of clothes which are timeless in style and made of long-lasting quality. It considers the ecological footprint of clothing production and longevity by avoiding the use of harmful substances. The sustainable fashion industry emphasizes transparency about the production processes, and fair labour practices as well.[1]

It all begins with a small step and a great passion for sustainability.

The “true cost” of slow and fast fashion

“Cost per wear” is a rule that considers the number of times a clothing item is worn before it is disposed of which is the true indicator of the value of your investment.[2]


The poor quality of fast fashion clothes makes them go to waste rapidly as they end up in landfills much quicker. Therefore, instead of buying a clothing item from a fast fashion brand for $10 which will only last for a couple of wears, consider buying a $50 dress which is made from high-quality and conscious materials, which can be worn a significantly higher number of times. For example, if the $10 dress could only be worn 2 times before stretching beyond use, its cost per wear would be $5 ($10/2 times). In contrast, if a sustainable $50 dress can be worn at least 10 times, its cost per wear would also be $5 ($50/10 times). The cost per wear is the same in both situations, but slow fashion gave a better return due to a higher number of wears before disposal due to its better quality.

Rather than looking at the price you pay for a clothing item upfront, think long-term.

The “cost per wear” rule proves that the cost per wear for fast fashion is higher than eco-conscious items which are better quality and can be worn a greater number of times, thus getting the best out of your investment.

Cheap prices make us believe they bring about savings for consumers. This may appear true in the short term, with a narrow focus and looking just at the money in our wallets, but all of us, as global citizens, will ultimately end up paying the external cost, the true cost for the unsustainable consumption and production of cheap clothing.

Fashion Revolution

Therefore, regardless of being cheaper and “perceived as affordable”, the true cost of slow fashion is actually higher than slow fashion.

[1] https://www.forbes.com/sites/christophermarquis/2021/05/14/what-does-slow-fashion-actually-mean/?sh=1208b3d373b4



Marquis, Christopher. “What Does Slow Fashion 'Actually' Mean?” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, November 9, 2022. https://www.forbes.com/sites/christophermarquis/2021/05/14/what-does-slow-fashion-actually-mean/?sh=1208b3d373b4.

Wolfe, Isobella. “Is More Sustainable and Ethical Clothing Really Expensive?” Good On You, September 23, 2022. https://goodonyou.eco/ethical-clothing-expensive/.
